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Winter Water Healing

winterwaterI hope you are enjoying the season whether it be high summer or a stormy winter like here in Western Australia! I am loving the winter storms though the cold is not my favourite temperature.  In my part-time job of working with children with special needs, I have been enjoying long drives along the coast, watching the waves thrashing our shores eating up the dunes.  There is so much tumultuous energy in the ocean! She is so alive and strong in winter! I love watching her play with the wind. There is an intense dialogue of great importance happening out there! 

Winter in Traditional Chinese Medicine relates to the Water element and now is the ideal time to connect and practice the ways of the Water.  Water energy is all about building, storing and strengthening.  

It’s a great time to ask the question:  Where am I? 

  • Asking this question helps us find our centre.
  • Where am I in the middle of this thing called life?
  • Am I being tossed around by the outside?
  • Or am I calm, centred and anchored within myself?

The Water Element in TCM can be seen as being an aspect of the Great Mother.  You and me are the children in her womb. She gives us what we need to live on the earth. She provides the nourishment and nutrients directly to us.  She holds the potential for our life. We are the seed in her womb.  

To benefit from this relationship with Water initially, we need to TRUST.  Nothing can come in without trust.  We cannot be nourished without having faith that that Life will be there for us.  We can see this dynamic playing out in the ways we attempt to control our lives out of a sense of fear and separation.

Fear is the emotion that correlates with Water in TCM.  It’s what manifests when trust and connection are lacking.  When we know our connection to Life via the water element, when we trust the process of life, we have innate strength. We can anchor deeply into this inner knowing when life is stormy and stay firmly rooted to our centre.

There are many ways to support this process when fear is strong or we feel off centre or lacking in energy.  Deep breathing into the belly is very powerful and my number 1 method for anchoring.  

meditationcd3dTo help you stay anchored in your centre, Please have a listen to the gentle water meditation from our Meditations for the Elements CD. Beautiful music by Steve Richter which I am sure you will enjoy.  


You can purchase the full set of meditations for the elements MP3  here