Good Morning Lovelies!

First day of our cleanse starts here!

Here’s the menu planner for today. Use it as a guide and change it up or swap out recipes as your heart desires! The table below will take you to the recipe page.

We start today by reflecting on what needs to be released, continuing our journey from yesterday.

Most importantly, what past experiences, old beliefs about yourself and the world are you holding on to?

Remember, every day is an opportunity to let go of judgement,  fear, worry, sadness, grief and anger.  We can only do this when we remember that our true nature is one of love and that we are always safe and secure in this.

Grab your journal now. Put on some nice music and draw or write about what you need to release. What you need to put aside knowing that it no longer serves your true best interests.  This is going to be of tremendous benefit to us as we move into 2018! Who wants to move forward carrying around a whole lot of stuff?

When you are ready, listen to the following meditation.


[s3bubbleAudioSingleIframe code=”psKfjrRQRSZRS” supplied=”progressive” autoplay=”false” download=”false” style=”bar” preload=”auto”/]


Complete your Qi Alignment work today by doing the exercises in the video below. We will be doing them every day. They are called the Makko Hos. Easy way to get the Qi flow happening through the meridians in your body.

Say these statements along with the stretches for extra alignment!

  • Air stretch – Lung and Large Intestine  –  “I let go of grief”
  • Earth Stretch –  I let go of worry”
  • Fire Stretch –  Heart and Small Intestine  – “I let go of anxiety”
  • Water stretch  – Kidney and Bladder  –  “I let go of fear”
  • Fire Stretch – Heart Constrictor and Triple Heater – “I let go of all the burdens of my heart”
  • Wood stretch  – Liver and Gall Bladder  –  “I let go of anger”


When you’ve done your Qi Alignment Process for the day, Share your experience on the facebook page.

I’ll see you there! Have a gorgeous day beautiful.

Love Michelle x x