Good Morning Lovelies!

Third day of our cleanse starts here!

Here’s the menu planner for today. Use it as a guide and change it up or swap out recipes as your heart desires! The table below will take you to the recipe page. Today is a stimulate Qi Flow Day!

Today we are focusing on moving and freeing up our Qi so we can create our 2018 amazing year! I love the vibe of the Wood element. It’s so much fun to imagine the vibrant energy of a tree growing and becoming everything a magnificent expression of life! Go with the flow on this one!


When you are ready, listen to the following meditation.


[s3bubbleAudioSingleIframe code=”xWRNNdKtKAaAP” supplied=”progressive” autoplay=”false” download=”false” style=”bar” preload=”auto”/]


Complete your Qi Alignment work today by doing the exercises in the video below.

The Makko Ho stretches are an easy way to get the Qi flowing through the meridians in your body.

Say these statements along with the stretches for extra alignment! Breathe deeply and imagine the energy freeing up throughout your body and mind with each stretch. Make your stretches a little bit deeper and longer today. It’s great for the Wood Qi.

  • Air stretch – Lung and Large Intestine  –  “I flow with Air”
  • Earth Stretch –  “I flow with Earth”
  • Fire Stretch –  Heart and Small Intestine  – “I flow with Fire”
  • Water stretch  – Kidney and Bladder  –  “I flow with Water”
  • Wood stretch  – Liver and Gall Bladder  –  “I flow with Wood”
  • Fire Stretch – Heart Constrictor and Triple Heater – “I flow with Fire”



When you’ve done your Qi Alignment Process for the day, Share your experience on the facebook page.

I’ll see you there! Have a gorgeous day beautiful.

Love Michelle x x