Category Archives: Nutrition

A few months ago I got a craving for pickles and decided to try Kimchee.  No! I was not pregnant! I just really love spicy pickles and I had heard that Kimchee is a healthy way to consume pickles as it’s fermented. I did my research and low and behold, there is a lot of […]

I have been using Chinese Herbal Medicine for over 20 years, as a practitioner  and as a consumer, and I can honestly say, it is my ‘medicine’ of choice. If I have to take a pill, (and I am one of those people reluctant to take anything unless I’m desperate), I prefer Chinese Herbs to […]

I’ve been exploring the relationship between hormones and diet for a long time. Most recently, after developing a stress induced hypothyroid condition.  (Don’t underestimate the impact of stress folks!). I love cooking and food as medicine is one of my hobbies. I am always experimenting with different foods and researching the benefits of particular foods […]

Tahini is a nut paste made from ground sesame seeds and it’s a nutritional powerhouse!It’s an acquired taste and for years I didn’t get into it at all even though I knew the healthy goodness that was in that sticky paste. For instance Tahini is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B15, […]

I learned about self nurturing the hard way. When I think back to my earlier years, I was so damn hard on myself about everything. I seriously spent a good part of my life beating myself up for not being good enough. I remember going to a self development workshop where I had a long […]

This is an absolutely fabulous video about a woman doctor – Dr Terry Wahls, who healed herself of Multiple Sclerosis using a combination of nutrition, exercise and meditation. I love it that she is a doctor who can now influence mainstream medicine through her experience, research and protocols. If you are reading my blog, I […]

It’s a weird thing writing about Summer when I am in winter, but I know you may very well be living on the other side of the world, experiencing the summer ‘yang’ aspect of life!  While I am rugged up by the fire, you may well be sheltering from the heat of the sun, hiding […]

If you are wondering how to nourish your Kidneys in Winter, then look no further than soup.  A good soup, as part of a nutritious diet supports the grounding and nourishment of our core.  It contains plenty of water, its warm and there are many ingredients we can use in a soup that support the […]

Chinese Medicine is big on grains for taking care of our digestive system and rice is a particularly popular grain in Asia.  A good quality white rice can be used for porridge but I find brown rice gives a lovely nutty texture as well as having more fibre and nutrients.  In China, porridge is called […]

Yep, I over indulged in lots of delicious food and stunning cocktails during my extra special birthday retreat in Bali.  Why hold back? I turned ** after all (That should keep you guessing!). Back at home and wanting to enforce some ‘healthy eating’ I decided to make this very easy and fresh vegetarian moussaka.  Main […]

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a different approach to diet than many popular dietary disciplines currently touted in the western market place today.  Personally,  I prefer any approach that isn’t fanatical, hard-core or a ‘one size fits all’ .  There are so many unique individuals on our planet and just as many ‘appropriate’ ways to suit.  […]