Frequently asked questions


Q: Where did Wu Tao come from? Is it an ancient healing method from China?
No it’s not from China but it is based on the system of Chinese Medicine! It was created by Australian Ballet dancer Michelle Locke, who turned to Chinese Medicine after a back injury ended her dance career. Michelle’s love for dance combined with her expertise in natural therapy inspired her to bring together dance and music with her knowledge of Qi healing.
Q: Is Wu Tao attached to any religion?
No, Wu Tao is not a religion. It is a way of life that is based on the Tao, a natural approach to health and longevity that follows the ways of nature as a guide for living. ‘Whatever works’ is our motto. The life within you knows the correct and right way for you to live.
Q: What are the benefits of doing Wu Tao?
While having similar benefits to tai chi due to the movement of Qi energy, Wu Tao tones the body more, stretching out every muscle and joint gently and easily. This is achieved by activating and stretching the channels (called meridians), which are the pathways through which the Qi energy flows. Each dance, (there are 5) works on balancing two meridians, which belong to a particular element. (eg. Kidney / Bladder Meridians belong to the Water element). Wu Tao is both movement and stillness. Doing and Being. It encourages the development of these qualities and an experience of being in the flow of the life-force. In Wu Tao, while one is focused on ‘doing’ the routine with the music, the mind becomes still and the body poised and balanced.
Q: What does Wu Tao mean?
Michelle named her healing method Wu Tao because of its basis in Chinese Medicine and the harmonising of Qi. Wu means dance, Tao means the way or path. Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy that uses nature as a guide to staying in balance with the universal forces. So Wu Tao is the Dancing Way to restore and maintain balance, harmony and health.
Q: What makes Wu Tao different to yoga or Tai Chi?
Wu Tao is unique in that it uses dance as the primary way to move Qi energy through the body. Dance is movement done to music and the original music composed by Australian composer Steve Richter, has been especially designed to help stimulate the flow of energy. The dances are learned and then performed to the beautiful melodic music which corresponds with the particular energy and quality of the element for which it is used. The end result is an experience of beauty, harmony and balance, physically, energetically and mentally, during and after performing the dances.
Q: I love to dance but I have 2 left feet! Will Wu Tao be too hard for me?
No way! In a Wu Tao class, it is expected that you will be challenged as you learn the dance movements. However, you will be encouraged to work with your bodies own limitations and adapt the movements as necessary. Remembering the dances is not important. What is important is that you let go of thinking and allow your body to enjoy the music and the dance. With steady practice over a few short months you will feel confident in your movements, with better balance, strength and improved flexibility.


Q: How long does it usually take to complete the course?
The teacher training course takes approximately 5 to 6 months to complete, however you can take as much time as you like.
Q: Do I need to finish the course within a certain time?
No, you can take as long as you need to, though you do need to successfully complete all components of the training including the 7 Day Practical Intensive and pass all assessments to become an accredited teacher of Wu Tao. We do however include a complimentary 1 year license if you complete your course successfully within 18 months.
Q: Can I spread the cost of the courses over a period of time?
Yes. You can pay for the course in 2 installments or make 6 monthly payments. These can be automatically debited from your credit or bank account. There is a 3.5% charge for credit card and periodic payments.
Q: How could I get my money back if I don’t like the course?
Just return the course in good condition within 15 days of receiving it, with a letter of withdrawal and we’ll send you a full refund minus 10% for admin costs.
I live in the USA, UK, Asia, Canada, etc. Is the course suitable for me?
Yes. We currently accept International students as well as Australian students. At this stage you need to come to Australia or Bali to do the 7 Day Practical Intensive.
How can I contact my tutor or Wu Tao Head Office?
There have two types of people you can contact – your tutor and a course manager. The tutor assesses your work and can help you with any problems by phone. Upon completion of your assignments, email or post them to your tutor. If you have an urgent query about the course or an administrative problem, you can phone and talk to a course manager at Wu Tao Head Office during work hours. If you leave a message out of work hours we will ring you back the next day.
What organizations can I join as a member?
The International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) is a Professional Body for the Natural Health Industry which offers both Associate and Full Membership for all Complementary Therapists in Australia and New Zealand. They offer numerous benefits to their members including access to Public Liability Insurance through their Brokers OAMPS. Wu Tao is recognised as an Approved Training Provider by IICT.

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