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How the simple practice of gratitude can uplift your world

What are you thankful for today? Was your morning coffee divine? Did a stranger show you kindness on your way to work?

There is so much to appreciate in this world, from the big, bright and beautiful right down to the small everyday things that we may take for granted.

One of Wu Tao’s core principles is appreciation.  We believe that we should take a moment to be thankful for the small but bright treasures we have.

Practising gratitude is about focusing on the good things in life–letting all the small blessings uplift you and ease your mind.

It doesn’t mean that we ignore the difficult obstacles that cross our path; it just means that when we face them we can keep our spirits up by reminding ourselves that there are positive and beautiful things that surround us.

When you do you’ll feel calmer, proactive and energised. Gratitude teaches us to be kinder to ourselves and the people around us.

It’s something people respond positively to.

Swapping ‘sorry’ for ‘thank you’ in the smaller moments helps build stronger relationships. Try ‘thank you for waiting for me’ instead of ‘sorry I’m going to be late.’ This way you are letting the other person know they are appreciated and their time is valuable.

Begin the daily practise of gratitude just by saying thank you more.

Experience our appreciation exercise

Start with one of our prayers. Find a still and quiet moment to say one of our prayers:

May the lightness of Air blow away all that is past

and open me up to the freedom of this moment.

Or, you may like to offer a prayer in your own words.

Always give thanks first for the gifts the element has given you, then you may speak of what you wish to release and let go of.

Be still, open and receive what the Air Element has to offer you.

Finally affirm your oneness and connection with the Air.

Give thanks for your experience and for what you have received.

Take some time to note the positive things rather than dwelling on the negative and see what happens.

You can learn more about building a healthy and natural outlook in life at one of our classes.