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Not Feta But As Good As!

I love it when I come across a new recipe that fits my idea of healthy, delicious and plant-based goodness!  I’m not vegan or even vegetarian, but all my research shows me that the more plant based nutrition I can add to my diet, the better off my body and health will be. Hence, I’m always scouting for recipes that meet this brief.

Last week I made this one:  It’s called Vegan Persian ‘Feta’. (Courtesy of @TheIranianVegan on IG). It’s really a very good marinated Tofu.  It’s not cheese but it’s as good a replacement that I can find and sooo good for you!  I changed up the recipe a bit, because I didn’t have dill and I love a bit of heat.

From a TCM viewpoint, tofu is is both nourishing and cleansing.  It can replenish Qi, clears heat, moisten dryness and generate fluids, so good for people with a hot constitution who need cooling. Tofu is a good source of protein, but too much can interfere with iron absorption and sometimes cause abdominal bloating and indigestion. In moderation however, tofu can be a wonderful addition to a balanced diet.

Nutritional yeast is not an ingredient I’m drawn to, but it tastes fabulous in this marinade.  Another good for you food that’s high in B vitamins and brings a nice cheesy, umami flavour to the tofu. 

This is going to be a weekly make for me.  My partner and I have demolished a whole lot of it in less than a week, mostly eating it straight out of the jar! It’s also delicious on my homemade toasted buckwheat bread with a spread of hummus or minted pea dip underneath and some lettuce leaves on the top from the garden. Heaven!

Here’s the recipe if you’d like to try it yourself.

Vegan Persian Feta (AKA Marinated Tofu)

  • 300-400g block of firm tofu
  • 2 tbs miso
  • 3 tbs nutritional yeast flakes
  • 2 lemons – juiced
  • 1 tspn sumac
  • 1 tspn dill
  • 1 tspn dried mint (or a good handful fresh mint)
  • ¼ cup boiled water
  • Salt and pepper

My additions to the above

1 large handful chopped fresh parsley (replaced the dill)

1 tspn gochujang (korean hot soybean paste)


  • Cube the tofu into 1cm pieces
  • Mix all the other ingredients together.
  • Fill a large clean jar with the diced tofu, pour over the marinade.
  • Leave in the fridge overnight before eating. 
  • Try not to eat it all at once!