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Pursue your Joy in Spring!

What a joy it is to be alive in Spring! I just adore it when the flowers come out and the sun is shining, not too hot, and everything is still so green and lush! In Chinese Medicine (TCM) it’s the time of the Wood Element, growth, new beginnings, flow and purposeful movement. Biggest issue with this season is that we’ve likely been sitting down and stagnating a bit through winter and the energy may need to be freed up and unblocked.  

If you’re feeling a bit blah, lacking in energy and not as focused as you’d like, here’s some tips from a TCM perspective to get you energised, inspired and in the flow. 

Move your body!

Number one way to free up your energy is to move.  It doesn’t matter how you do it, but move your body you must! Obviously I’m a big fan of dance, and Wu Tao is a great way to move the body, free up your Qi and all to beautiful music, but honestly any movement will help free up your energy. I like movement that involves some stretching while toning the muscles. If a gym workout is what you love, make sure you stretch before and after your workout. Same with a walk or run. Stretching and lengthening the muscles will keep your joints loose and flexible. Very important as we age. I’m a devout fan of the Makko Ho Stretches. One of the easiest and dare I say it, quickest ways you can open the energy channels in the body. Ten minutes is all it takes to do these stretches.  You’ll need nothing but yourself to do them. 


It’s one of the best things you can do to maintain your equilibrium and vestibular system. You can turn slowly on the spot or spin as fast as you like. Try spinning around 3 times to the right and then 3 times to the left and and repeat 3 – 4 times. You’ll be surprised at how much this can help with balance issues. (The Fire dance in Wu Tao has lots of spinning and it’s great fun).

Increase your dietary fibre and vegetable intake.

Make every meal a healthy rainbow by including more leafy greens, yellow, orange and red vegetables, pulses and legumes. Spring is the ideal time to give your liver a rest and nourish it with cleansing foods that remove stagnation. It doesn’t have to be hard. It can be a delicious and pleasant endeavour where you treat your body this way. I love creating healthy delicious food for myself and my loved ones, and am always experimenting and playing with ingredients. The recipe below is not mine, but I’ve made it my own by adding my favourite ingredients (namely chilli and spice!) and it’s so good!

Express yourself creatively and Joyfully.

Spring is the time for self expression! Nature is doing it, so follow nature’s lead and find your unique way to express yourself! To get started, think about what activities bring you joy. and explore ways to incorporate them into your life. That might mean googling for opportunities near you, buying or borrowing equipment or maybe just scheduling some time to pursue your passion. Now really is the time to get moving and follow your dreams!


Follow the links below to access your complimentary free content on my App.  You’ll learn ways to free up your Qi, and give you energy and vitality to do more of what you love.

Focus Meditation 

Wood Element Meditation

Makko Ho Stretches and an Easy Dance to Free your Qi

(Note: You’ll need to download the Wu Tao Dance App onto your device first or alternatively use this link Dancing Tao App. )